I've been drawing the Casanova comic book without Casanova Quinn since I did the sketch below on May 5th. I did the other charactes afterwards, but the damage was already done.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Posted by
Fábio Moon
12:56 AM
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
See today what's out tomorrow!
Newsarama has a preview of Casanova 10, which comes out tomorrow. Check it out and see for yourself how strange and bizarre this story-line is turning out to be, which throws me into a different place artistically.
I'm not changing my style or anything, but there are certainly scenes I never thought I would have to draw in a comic.
Here's the first page of said issue:
This is the first issue I did after I started doing Sugarshosk, and I guess the more fluid and somewhat cartoony aspect of Sugarshock went into this as well. One thing is for sure, with every new issue, Casanova is getting more graphic and "designy". Issue 12 should be a blast in that sense.
Wait and see. But, first, go buy Casanova 10 and let me know what you thought of it.
Posted by
Fábio Moon
7:24 PM
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Another umbrella on the air.
So, the new Umbrella Academy, issue two of the first series, has arrived. Have you got your copy yet? Tell us what did you think of it. We really want to know, even if it's bad. But, if it's bad, why is it bad, and how would it be good (if you didn't think it was good).
I really liked issue two, but what I can't wait is issue four. December is far away for all the regular readers, and Bá is just doing pages I never imagined possible.
Anyway, it's late here, and tomorrow morning we're leaving for a brazilian convention. We're releasing a new book here, and we'll have a panel on Sunday. Before that, we'll hang around with Eduardo Risso, Giancarlo Berardi and many other fine guests of the festival (such as ourselves). It's the best festival in Brazil to meet the independent artists, and it's a great way to see the fans of comics at large. We'll have our copies of 5 (which are not that many, and we might sell out of our stash), as well as our other cool books.
There are french guests, argentinean guests, american guests and even japanese guests. It's a very good festival, and we hope to meet a lot of new people, and see old friends.
I haven't seen Eduardo in three years.
To sleep now.
Next week, Casanova enters it's countdown as I officially enter "the last three issues" period. (By the way, issue 11 of Casanova is my best issue yet. I'm having a lot of fun with that crazy blue).
Posted by
Fábio Moon
2:16 AM
Labels: brazil, casanova, Gabriel Bá, umbrella academy
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
I've seen the future.
Bá finished another Casanova cover, two issues from the issue I'm still at. hopefully, less than two months from now (or just two months from now), I'll be drawing what we talked about when he had this idea.
This is the my future, happening right now, and it's strange how that's the way things work in comics.
Posted by
Fábio Moon
3:01 PM
Labels: casanova, Gabriel Bá
Monday, October 08, 2007
All over the net.
Man, I'm late.
I'm still finishing issue 11 of Casanova. I'll finish it this week, and then go right into 12, but still I feel I'm late. Even if I'm my own colorist, my own inker, and so mostly the art is all up to me, still I feel like I'm late.
It sucks to feel like that.
Meanwhile, have you already read the last Sugarshock chapter at DHP? It's online, waiting for you. (as well as the previous chapters and Bá's umbrella story on the first issue of DHP)
Also, you can read the entire Casanova issue 8 online as well, so there's no excuse for anyone if you have no idea what I'm drawing at the moment.
Since the robot story I did for the second 24Seven was also previewed at MySpace, this year all the books I'm currently working on had either previews or entire runs on MySpace.
This is so weird. I like paper. I like to turn the page. I like to read comics in the bathroom. Suddenly, all of my work is primary online. Weird.
Also, it seems the internet sales of our work are starting to grow, as we keep showing up over at the Khepri top 5 list almost every week.
Posted by
Fábio Moon
4:20 PM
Labels: casanova, comics, MySpace, Sugarshock, umbrella academy
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Always with me.
When I started working on Sugarshock, the only thing I knew before getting the first script was that the girls should be cute. Then, there was something about a robot and them all being a band.
Okay, I thought. Simple enough.
After I've done all three chapters, I can say I have drawn stuff I never imagined could be in the same story of the "cute girls in a band with a robot" story, which comes as a lesson to any artist. You should always be prepared to draw everything, and should always be learning how to draw and show new things. The artist should be always curious, asking questions with his or her eyes, learning from what it's around. Look at those trees, aren't they big? They're branches only start all the way up there, twenty feet from the ground. That other tree is fat, and twisted, and has branches from the height of your midget friend up to the top of those other trees you saw first.
Artists must always be looking for the stuff. You know, stuff is a bit vague, but so is looking. Anything could be the stuff, and you should look every where to everything you see.
And then you have to make all this reality look like something you make up when you draw. Or make the stuff you make up look like reality. Or a little of both.
Go, artist.
The next sugarshock chapter is coming. It's the end of the first story. Yet again, I had to draw stuff I haven't drawn before on the story (maybe on my life), and I kept thinking when would I draw those characters again. Maybe I could keep drawing them for myself, as sketches on my notebook.
I remember the first drawings I did of the character. I did them on my notebook, the little one I carry all around with me. So, even if I don't know if I'll ever draw these characters again, they're always with me. They're close.
Of course, you don't need a notebook to keep them close. Nor should you.
But it's nice, isn't it?
Posted by
Fábio Moon
7:15 PM
Labels: comics, inspiration, Sugarshock