Monday, July 11, 2005

Where, when and why.

Larry Young put the signing schedule for the AiT booth #2001, where you'll find that we'll only be signing there starting Friday at 1 p.m., then Saturday at 5 p.m., and finally Sunday at 12 noon, which only goes to tell you that Larry really thinks we're sloppy drunks who won't EVER get up before noon.

He's not that wrong, actually.

All in all, I'm sure he just moved us around to accommodate the scheduling of his big star artists and writers, all of which have very important meetings to attend and panels to deliver. My brother and I, we'll just enjoy our time in the Space Station as much as we can, and everybody's more than welcome to bring your copies of Ursula or Smoke and Guns for us to sign.

If we're not there, we'll probably be at the Terra Major table (R16) at the 1900 aisle, where we have also brand new artwork on the Gunned Down western anthology they just released.

If we're not there as well, we'll then be in very important meetings of our own, as we're also hard working twins and we have high hopes for the coming months.


Anonymous said...

Hey, Fabio!

I, too, am glad to see that Larry and Mimi respect my right to stumble out of bed just in time for lunch!

I know that they'd love to have us at any hour of the day, though. (They just wanted to give your groupies a good idea of when they are guaranteed to see you and your brother!) I myself plan to be there as much as they let me!

See you there!
Kirsten Baldock

Fábio Moon said...

I'm also going to be hanging around more than just these marked hours.

See you there as well.

Are you bringing your nurse outfit?