Thursday, August 07, 2008

Why comics - the preview

Today, we finished the breakdown of one issue of Daytripper. Bá is already moving on his Umbrella chapter, and we're trying to get as many PIXU pages done as we can before things get crazy once the BPRD 1947 arrives and we have to do it all at the same time.

When we're this busy, working like crazy, staying awake around the clock, we sometimes wonder "why comics?" Why do we have this need? What drives us? What drives anyone to go out there and do comics, out of all things?

We started thinking.

And then we started asking around.


becky cloonan said...

Blockbuster movie of the summer!

Daniel Og said...

voces deviam estender essa pergunta pra um documentário. aproveita a chance que vcs estão tendo e pergunte a mais gente.
ia ser bem interessante.

eu tenho a minha resposta. todo mundo que faz tem a sua. bem interessante.

Edward Kaye said...

Looks very interesting.

Mr. Blue said...

Because comics show us our most fantastic dreams and most terrifying nightmares. I've learned a lot from comics: aesthetics, lightning, poetry, atmosphere, futurism, design, coloring. Comics are life. That's what comics are for me.

James said...

I am unreasonably excited!