Tuesday, June 29, 2004

introducing the major players - part one.

The internet can be a wonderful window to places far away. If you like what you see, you can try to go there someday. That's what I think when I talk about comics, creators, artists and writers: if you like what they do, the worlds they create, you can try to "go there" and find out more about it. With that in mind, I'll be taking some posts to talk a little bit about the artists involved in the new comic book I just did, called ROCK'n'ROLL. Each one has a unique style, and adds something different to the project, so I'm really proud to work with them on tis book. Without any further ado, lets get this thing started:


He can talk himself out of any predicament. He can convince you that you need his services, that you should pay him highly sums of money for it - nothing fairer - and that he can do miracles in broad daylight. He just knows what you want to hear, and his job is to make you believe what he makes is what you wanted to see all along.

He's very good at it, by the way.

It's not easy being Bruno D'Angelo, to say the least. He have this really talented older brother, also an artist, which have consisted for a long time a barrier for Bruno's work to improve. So, before he actually improved, he developed the capacity to make people believe he was improving. In fact, he got so good at it that he also begun believing in himself, which caused him to actually start improving. That, and really hard work - for I have never seen someone draw so much as Bruno have in the last couple of year - made him an artist to admire and to hope to work with in the future.

That's why we asked him to do this new comic book with us. Luck for us, he said yes. We're in this boat together, and the sea awaits. Let's hunt the white whale before Bruno starts telling us how he already caught it, because if he does, we might believe him.

I might even be true.

(and, as I realized I could spend days thinking of things to say about Bruno, I remember I haven't said a important thing: Bruno has a really cool just opened website called Yello Jello where you can find tons of his work and so you can see for yourself more than I could possibly say about him.)

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